Thursday, 14 March 2013

French controlled assesment in 6 days.. AAAHHH

This is pretty much for everyone in year 10 taking their controlled assesment on thursday. i've already planned my paragraphs but i'm posting a blog on the basics of French for anyone like myself who feels they need tweaking. also if you forget half way through this stuff should help you write simple sentences that are better than nothing.

Tips for controlled writing assessments

  • Planning your writingDivide what you want to say into paragraphs and write a title or prompt word in English or French for each. For examplJe:
    • where I went / when / who with
    • journey
    • what I saw/did, etc
    You are allowed to use these brief notes when you write your final version under controlled conditions. They should be no longer than 30 or 40 words - check with your teacher what your exam board allows.
  • Preparing for your writingWrite out a rough version of what you want to say. Think carefully how you can show off how much French you know: introduce more than one tense, give your opinion, use link words to make longer, more interesting sentences, etc.
  • Checking your writingRead carefully through your text. Use a dictionary to help you check spellings and genders (if you don't have one handy, you can use an online dictionary).
    Check that plural words (such as des pizzas) have a plural ending. Check all adjectives agree with the nouns they describe (such as une belle ville, un beau village). Check all the verbs are in the right tense and that the endings match the subject (such as ils visitent). Check whether you could vary the structures and language you have used to show off the French you know.


French crash course

The French verbs avoir (to have), être(to be), and faire (to do/make) are the most important French verbs. They are used in some of the ways that we use them in English as well as in many expressions. Conjugations for all three of these verbs are irregular:

Avoir - to haveÊtre - to beFaire - to do, make
J'ai un livre.
I have a book.
Je suis à Paris.
I am in Paris.
Je fais mon lit.
I'm making my bed.
Nous avons une voiture.
We have a car.
Nous sommes très contents.
We are very happy.
Nous faisons tout ensemble.
We do everything together.



nous avonssommesfaisons

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