Thursday, 16 May 2013

NEW revision notes for R.S ethics exam ABORTION

Basically these are my actual notes that codenses all the information and are much easier to understand...


the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. the foetus is removed legally before 24 weeks.

legalised in 1967 to end the horrors of back street abortions.

  • if the mother were to die if the pregnancy coninued
  • if the baby is a result of rape/ incest
  • if the foetus is carrying an ilness/disease
  • some people use it as a contraceptive
  • if they are unable to look after the child

ROMAN CATHOLICS believe that abortion is murded and believe that life begins at the point of conception.

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND and METHODISTS believe that abortio is morrally wrong but there is no point at which you can fully say the foetus has full human rights. it is developing towards being a full humans so these churches recognise, where in strict and limited conditions, abortion may be a morally preferable alternative.

OTHER CHRISTIANS believe that lif ebegins when the baby breathes inside the womb.

CHRISTIANS FOR FREE CHOICE believe women should be fully informed and allow God to guide them to a decision.

  • every woman has the right to choose
  • reduces the risk of back street clinics
  • every child should be wanted, not forced
  • population growing = expensive
  • rape victims may not want to carry a child produced from such a horrific event
  • if mother life is threatened
  • goes against the laws of God - it is murder
  • only God can give life and take it away
  • if you don't want a child, don't have sex
  • the foetus has right too, it just can't voice them
  • abortion is traumatic and guilt can stay for many years after
  • the holy spirit lives within the body, we should now harm it
  • use contraceptives safely
  • adopt
  • foster/put the child in temporary care until the mother is ready
  • seek family support and advice

1 comment:

  1. What a great resource for students Sophia - thanks!
